by Michael Parkes, 1989
Parkes's work is so strange, it stretches my imagination to its limits. How about yours?
About writing: Some days it just doesn't happen. The magic belongs to someone else, has slipped off next door or something. I simply could not wake up today, despite two cups of coffee. Couldn't make myself get on the exercise bike either. Typed in some revisions on the novel and stuck it out for many pages, so all is not lost. Now I'm baking a big fat lasagna and mean to veg on the couch tonight and recharge with a good movie. I hope.
Mmmmm...Lasagna. This piece of art appeals to me on many levels--and I'm intrigued by the subject painting her own subject, a mask?
Oh, yes, this one makes you think. An Eve creating her own Adam, a harlequin or a clown? Which makes all kinds of statements.
Sounds like a great plan. Enjoy.
I feel your pain in the wake up department. Without coffee, I would be in hibernation. As for writing, it's a time thing for me right now, although I am certain my Muse has issues with me and has left for the coming winter. What a bitch.
BTW, I have a bit of blog bling and a activity for ya on my blog. Enjoy!
*rubs hands together greedily* I love awards! To whom will I pass it on? Hmmm...
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