Experimenting with this self-publishing thing prompted me to enroll my novella, Mists of Blackfen Bog, into the Kindle Select program. Whatever your feelings may be about this potentially ebook-monopolizing program, I found that it allowed me to experience a momentary high. Mist's first "free" campaign just ended, and while it lasted, the novella rose to #37 on the free Fantasy ebook list. What a glorious sight it was.
Next weekend, the novella will be available for free once again. Just saying. *wink-wink*
How well will it do on the 11th? We shall see.
I can definately understand how that would give you a high :) It would be cooler if there were a paper version available though. It looks like a pretty cool novella but I don't really read e-books myself. I have nothing against them existing or anything. They're just not the same as a tangible book for me.
But congradulations on makeing #37 on the list! That's exciting
Congrats on the high ranking!
Thanks, guys!
And what d'you know? There is a print version available: https://tsw.createspace.com/title/3623030
Or: http://www.amazon.com/Mists-Blackfen-Bog-Court-Ellyn/dp/1463547765/ref=sr_1_1_title_0_main?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1328568249&sr=1-1
Sheesh, those are long scary-looking links!
Let's see if this works...
It's interesting to see the directions self and e publishing are going. For now, I'm sticking to "the old fashioned way" but there's no telling what the future may bring.
Yeah, so far I've only felt comfortable self-pubbing stories that have first been published the traditional way. Experimenting for when the novel is ready. A good learning experience it's been, too.
Oh..."Mists" -- that's such a good story!
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