Thursday, January 29, 2015


My custom swag for TUAT is in! Woot!

I shall be a walking advertisement for Twice Upon A Time. This particular t-shirt was printed at CafePress. Ugh, custom shirts are x-pen-sive. But! The point is to take pride in the book and show it off in blatant fashion to everyone I know -- and don't know, for that matter. It might spark curiosity or start a conversation or two. Who knows?

Anyway, take a gander:

Incidentally, a review of CafePress shirt product:

The material is very thick, probably very durable. The black dye, to my eye, looks like the kind that will fade rather quickly. The print of the book cover is solid. I mean, solid. I don't know how else to describe it. Like, it feels like a sheet of plastic but not shiny, so I expect it to be very durable as well. My only complaint, is that the print on the back cannot go higher near the shoulders than as pictured. The book cover fills all available vertical space. Ideally, prints on the backs of shirts are at least three inches higher than CafePress allows. If I were a nerd and decided to tuck in my shirttails, the image would be right at my pants-line, ready to dive out of sight.

Still, I'm excited to start wearing this puppy. Now, to the wash...

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