Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Twice Upon a Time, Now Available!

It's HERE!!! Your favorite fairytales retold and remastered in the short story collection, Twice Upon a Time. Dozens of up-and-coming authors poured their hearts into these stories, and our editor Joshua Allen Mercier slaved away to turn our ragtag bunch of stories into a gorgeous, professional-quality book. I mean, look at that stellar cover:

Looks like it's just the digital book for now, available for download to your reading devices HERE, but I know a hardcopy version is on the way. I cannot wait to see the dark, magical adventures my fellow authors turned out.

For more information, check out Bearded Scribe Press at Blogger or on Facebook!


Court Ellyn said...

Only hours after its release, TUAT is in the TOP 100 in three categories in the Amazon Kindle Store! *faint*

Court Ellyn said...

NOTE: Our editor has removed the antho from the Kindle Store for unspecified reasons. It will be back shortly.